
Settled Love

Ian and Sparrow are doing well, thank you for asking. In fact, they are living high on the love right now. Nothing is better than finally being with your true love. Having been married for a while, sometimes I wish for those first days of early love—when everything felt new and exciting. The unknown played into the whole mystery of the romance. Would he stay? Did he like me as much as I liked him? Would we really make it? But there’s something about a settled love. A love that has endured time and circumstances and come out all the stronger for it. There are new joys, new excitements that are much richer than the flip-flop belly roller coaster ride that started the whole thing. It’s fun to remember those early days, but today I’m feeling content with the love I have. Enduring. Constant. Faithful. True. Even when we’re old and grey kind of love…