So it seems that every time I start a book, three other ideas pile on top of that one. I have one at 52,460 words, one at 4,376, one at 3,900, and one at 1,567. And wouldn’t you know it, the one I feel the most passionately about is the one at 1,567 words. Well, that could change on any given day, but today, that’s the one I can’t stop thinking about. My writing has spring fever. It’s been cooped up far too long, while I’ve been doing the fun things: blog interviews, a book signing here and there, talking with nice people all over the world, shipping books, etc. It’s been truly wonderful. But when I finally settle down long enough to do the actual thing I’m supposed to be doing—writing—it’s like playing catch-up after being out sick from school for two weeks. Thoughts are ping-boom-popping all over the place and I’m rushing to catch it all. And I love every minute of it. I’ve written for years and years, done the query thing, been rejected, blah-de-blah, and I had finally settled in with being just fine if no one ever read a word. I can honestly say I was content to just keep writing for the joy it brings me. But, WOW, this world of people reading my book and actually liking it, I can’t even tell you…it’s been 3 ½ months now and I still just can’t even get over it. I’m beyond grateful, I’m humbled, I’m ecstatic, I’m in shock…well, you get the idea. I’m a basket case. So thank you. Thank you for taking it over the top for me. Okay, gotta go write. And I’ll behave and work on the 52,460 words one…